Career Profile

Experience in DevOps, SysOps, Enginering and Site Reliability Enginering. I've been working and developing my skills on Open Source platforms for more than 10 years.

I collaborate on some open-source projects and like to learn and implement new technologies and create new awesome but stable implementations.

I'm passionate on learning new knwoledgement. I do activites and likes to explain and ask for help. Challenges & coworking is a good combination :)


Senior DevOps

June 2018 - Present
Clarivate Analytics, Barcelona

Design automated deployments of new applications in AWS infraestructure, Infraestructure as a Code with terraform, ansible and docker.

Support developers as a third level.

Main goal middle-term to design a global company Kubernetes.

Cloud Architect

Oct 2016 - June 2018
ACK Storm, Barcelona

Design and deployment of customer infraestructure on scalable and high availabilty cloud providers. Requirements depends on diferents escenarios where we use to minize costs and maxime performance.

System Administrator

June 2014 - Oct 2016
ACK Storm, Barcelona

Suport and resolve system issues and customer tiquets. Datacenter based services, VPS, LoadBalancing and Monitoing all system services. Most server were GNU/Linux based distributions like CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu. Most services are SMTP postfix and dovecot stacks. HTTP stacks were apache, nginx, squid, heartbeat, haproxy. SMTP stacks were postfix and dovecot most of them.

System Administrator

September 2007 - May 2014
Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca -- Setting Consutoria

Costumer in-house support. The project was to automate all the computers in domain installation. Using software like Windows Deployment Services while keeping all customer software. The diversificated departments (+20) had diference requirements, deployed with Group Policies and Domain computer groups. All the departments tiquets and virus infections decreased. Another task was keeping the park and servers up and resolving users requests.


IT Engineer

Universistat Oberta de Catalunya
2007 - 2014

MCITP and Vmware ESXi 4.1 Field Of Study


LPIC Level 1

Score: 720

Professional IT 2nd degree

Institut Obert de Catalunya
2006 - 2008


Institut Jaume Balmes
2004 - 2006








Skills & Proficiency


GNU/Linux system adminstration & monitoring of more than +2000 machines, physical and virtual.


Administration & monitoring of mysql servers of +50 customers. Issue resolving and tunning for best performance. Single A, Active-Passive AB, and Active Active ABBA.



Create and run containers on orquestrator.


Management, definition, provision and performance tunning for various production ready libvirtd+kvm hosts.


Administration & monitoring of SQL.

Google Cloud Platform

Infraestructure and Platform services implementation. Compute, Cluster, AppEngine, Storage, CDN. Customer

Amazon Web Services

Infraestructure and Platform services implementation. EC2, RDS, ASG, ELB, ALB.


Coding containers and services for distributed services and infraestrucutre. Management and deployment of diverse services. From apache, nodejs, to glusterfs or lsync

Docker swarm

Design and managing of clusters on various stacks


Design kubernetes cluster management and deployment as a powerful orquestrator. Scheduling and autoscaling the cluster nodes. Deployments with canary testing, task crons, blue-green deployments and diferent loadbalancer definitions.

I've deployed and managed 5 different clusters, designed and released on production. One gke and four using kops utility. One of the kops is multiAZ, meaning HA in multizone.

Good knowledge of Deployments, DaemonSets, ReplicaSets, Secrets, Ingresses (mostly with traefik), Services, Storage providing, and other kind of objects. Good knowledge of the infraestructure, definitions and autoscaling for pods & nodes.


Management of multiple AWS accounts and different environments for different applications using and creating modules, variables and s3 states. Git managed


Creation of playbooks for deployments and roles for different shared system services. Tests done using molecule and testinfra.

Continuous Integration


Experience in deployment and managemnt of diferent plugins of this powerful CI/CD tool. Useful for pipelines from Git repositories, and using environment definitions. Testing is crucial to CD.


Pipelines from sources to kubernetes cluster. Deployments of diferents apps and construction of containers while doing some basic testing.


Writen in C with access & threats optimization in mind. Useful to cache HTTP requests


High customization and rules for a fast and performance optimized serving. Use of LoadBalancer and caching.


Welknown http server. For a full Optimized and tuned base and example look docker/debian-apache-php.


Deploying and customizing VoIP service for two companies that required IVRs and AST (PHP) functions. User management with freepbx.

Backend Development

Minor coding. Mostly automation oriented.


Some projects collaboration submiting Pull Requests for new features.


Most of websites created by me and software writen in my repos are in pyhton. Also used for automatization, some libraries and own projects

Python Django

Powerful framework with a model/views definitions.

Frontend Development

I do some websites like this :)


Frontend coding and use of libraries for some websites.


Comprehesion on classes and id definitions. Creating layouts and learning awesome styles.

